Friday, January 15, 2010

Wow, what a week

Boy, getting this rolling is much harder than you'd think.  Tonight I'm doing a "filler" post.  First, my sincere apologies for the distinct lack of posts this week.  I've had the good fortune to receive an interview for gainful employment.  Between preparing for that, getting a flu shot and being ill, I haven't spent much time on the computer since Tuesday evening.  Nevertheless, here I sit at 2am, trying to post something slightly entertaining or informative for Thursday.

Perhaps we'll go for entertaining tonight, digressing completely from politics and government.  I have a house full of pets; there are seven, if you count the fish as a collective pet.  A couple days ago, my fiance came home to discover one of our parrots chasing a dog around the livingroom, a la Pepe le Pew.  The dog would run to the couch, and the bird would walk or fly to him.  He would then leap from the couch to slide under the coffee table, only to have Violet (the parrot) flutter down next to his head.

When the animals realized my fiance had come into the house, Suka (the two-year-old husky) started bouncing up and down, wanting to greet his "dad" with a toy and collect his pettings.  Unfortunately for Suka, the 2 pound bird with the sharp beak was standing in the way, looking very proud of herself.  My honey had to collect the bird before the 50 pound dog felt safe enough to relax.  A brief inspection of the dog revealed no wounds.

Since this incident, the bird has spent an inordinant amount of time preening and generally fluffing herself, and the dog lays in the floor with a beaten look that says, "I got my butt kicked by a 2 pound chick."  I think we should all take a moment of silence in honor of his fallen dignity.


I'll try to make up the missed post tomorrow, but it might fall to later in the weekend if I continue to be ill.  I hope you understand, and please take heart: I made a list of topics for the coming weeks.  I hope to provide stimulating topics for discussion and the occassional fun antidote.

For now, I say goodnight.

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